Finished the last training for the “InterDIGImuseum” project on the topic of Working with the web-based platform “InterDIGImuseum”

The project “Interactive Platform for Digitized in Museums” is changing the way the cultural sector presents its cultural heritage. The training for working with the web-based platform “InterDIGImuseum”, which was carried out in Romania, was another step in this direction.

  As part of the training, the 24 participants were introduced to new instruments and possibilities for improving the performance and accessibility of cultural heritage. The project team presented the developed web-based platform “InterDIGImuseum”, which provides the possibility for museums to present their collections in a new and interactive way with modern methods. The participants learned how to use the web-based platform “InterDIGImuseum” to create virtual museum collections and exhibitions. They discussed the importance of digitizing museum artifacts and collections and learned how this can happen. They figured out how to enrich the museum content with interactive elements, such as video, audio, virtual tours and others.

The participation of 24 representatives from the cultural sector in the project training represents a step towards modernization and innovation in this sector. They not only expand their knowledge and skills, but also get inspired to look at cultural heritage through the lens of technology. The training presented them with new instruments and opportunities for performances and popularization of cultural wealth in front of a wider and diverse audience.