Project “ Interactive platform for digitalization of museums” (InterDIGImuseum)
The epidemiological situation caused by the spread of Covid 19 has put the need
for digital transformation in Europe on the agenda. The novel coronavirus pandemic
has badly affected all sectors, but the world of culture has been hit hardest,
earliest and perhaps most visibly. This raised the question of people level of
digital skills and competencies. This forced cultural actors to rethink their
activities and competencies and to turn to digitalization, which is a modern way
out of the crisis. In response to this, the project envisages conducting trainings to
increase digital competences and skills for the preparation, creation,
administration and digitization of metadata, information and artifacts. Cultural
figures will learn to work with various modern software and equipment designed
for recording, filming, scanning and other activities in order to convert digital
objects and objects of cultural heritage. Participants in the trainings will also
acquire skills for innovative promotion of digitized content, as well as be able to
develop and apply concepts for effectively reaching different audiences in
Project period and number: 01/11/2021 – 01/11/2023 – 021-1-BG01-KA220-ADU-
Erasmus+ program: Cooperation partnerships in adult education
Target groups: Museums, Galleries, Representatives of cultural and cultural
heritage organizations and institution and other stakeholders

The project aim:
The project overall objective is to help to adults, target groups,
and especially those involved in the cultural sector, to improve their digital skills.
Thus the target group will be able to use the potential of the digital transformation
to increase the competitiveness of organizations working in the field of cultural
heritage. This will be achieved by presenting and advertising organizations through
digitalization, which will facilitate the reaching of potential audiences and
customers and will enhance the delivery and effectiveness of the propose services
of organizations in the field of cultural heritage.
Within InterDIGImuseum project five main Results (R) are foreseen:
Digitalization of museum artifacts.
Promo InterDIGImuseum exhibitions.
Interactive system for digitalization of museums "InterDIGImuseum”.
Video guide "InterDIGImuseum".
Research - degree of digitalization in European museums – challenges and opportunities.