
Final Multiplier Event in Romania

Final Multiplier Event in Romania

On October 3, 2023, with a final closing multiplier event, the “InterDigimuseum” project officially ended. The event took place in the city of Craiova, Romania. It was attended by 50 representatives from the target group. During the event, the project and the developed innovative resources were presented as an interactive museum digitization system “InterDIGImuseum”, which…

A final meeting of the InterDiGImuseum project was organized by ARIES – Oltenia branch in Corabia, Romania in the period 12.10-13.10.2023

A final meeting of the InterDiGImuseum project was organized by ARIES – Oltenia branch in Corabia, Romania in the period 12.10-13.10.2023

During the meeting, the partners discussed the achieved results of the project and the developed intellectual products and made an assessment of the impact of the implemented activities, as well as an overview of the distribution and quality of the products based on the feedback received. The partners reviewed the final version of the results…

Finished the last training for the “InterDIGImuseum” project on the topic of Working with the web-based platform “InterDIGImuseum”

Finished the last training for the “InterDIGImuseum” project on the topic of Working with the web-based platform “InterDIGImuseum”

The project “Interactive Platform for Digitized in Museums” is changing the way the cultural sector presents its cultural heritage. The training for working with the web-based platform “InterDIGImuseum”, which was carried out in Romania, was another step in this direction.   As part of the training, the 24 participants were introduced to new instruments and…

Completed the second training for the InterDIGImuseum project on Digital Marketing and Digital Branding through “InterDIGImuseum”

Completed the second training for the InterDIGImuseum project on Digital Marketing and Digital Branding through “InterDIGImuseum”

The training was held in Kalna, Serbia, and was attended by 24 representatives of the target group from Bulgaria, Serbia and Romania. The aim of the training was to form knowledge and skills in the participants in the field of digital marketing and branding with an emphasis on the cultural sector. During the training, the…

The first training on “Digitization of Museum Artifacts and 3D Printing” in Falkovets, Bulgaria has ended

The first training on “Digitization of Museum Artifacts and 3D Printing” in Falkovets, Bulgaria has ended

24 representatives of the cultural sector were part of an innovative training on “Digitization of museum artefacts and 3D printing” in Falkovec” under the project Interactive platform for digitization of museums”, project number 2021-1-BG01-KA220-ADU-000035298, financed by Erasmus + program. It represented a unique opportunity for the participants to enrich their knowledge and skills in the…

A meeting for the analysis and evaluation of the results achieved under the InterDiGImuseum project was organized by the Institute for Cross-Border Areas in Kalna, Serbia in the period 08 November – 11 November 2022

A meeting for the analysis and evaluation of the results achieved under the InterDiGImuseum project was organized by the Institute for Cross-Border Areas in Kalna, Serbia in the period 08 November – 11 November 2022

During the meeting, the partners discussed the activities completed so far, the upcomingactivities and the preparation of the interim report on the project. The partners alsodiscussed the implementation of each of the project results.The partners agreed on the distribution of work on the project activities.

The kick-off meeting of the InterDiGImuseum project was organized by Foundation “Phoenix – 21 century” in Vidin, Bulgaria in the period 28th February – 3 th March, 2022.

The kick-off meeting of the InterDiGImuseum project was organized by Foundation “Phoenix – 21 century” in Vidin, Bulgaria in the period 28th February – 3 th March, 2022.

The kick-off meeting of the InterDiGImuseum project was organized by Foundation “Phoenix – 21 century” in Vidin, Bulgaria in the period 28th February – 3 th March, 2022. During the meeting, partners discussed project activities, project budget and financial rules of the Erasmus+ Programme. Partners also discussed about the implementation of each one of the…